Version 2.75 Released

Version 2.75 CD

After over 15 months of development, NoteWorthy Composer Version 2.75 has been released. A summary of the additions in this release can be seen on NoteWorthy Composer’s history page.

Current users of any licensed, older NoteWorthy Composer 2.* edition can update to version 2.75 by completing these three steps:

  1. From inside the program, select the Access command in the Help menu.  You will automatically be directed to the 2.75 upgrade page.
  2. Download and install the latest NWC User Tool Starter Kit.
  3. Download and install the NWC 2.75 Viewer.

After these steps are completed, your NoteWorthy Composer 2 system environment will now be running with the newest release. There are several sources for additional documentation on this release:

  1. NoteWorthy Composer User Guides
  2. NoteWorthy Composer Help

If you are new to NoteWorthy Composer, you can try out a demo of the program, as well as utilize our free Viewer to open files created by other users.