Rhythm Tracks App on a Mac OS X

AU Lab EnableDLSSynth

When preparing to use the Rhythm Tracks for NWC App on a Mac, a virtual MIDI synthesizer is also needed before you can hear the pattern loops during play back. In order to create the virtual synthesizer, you will need a program called AU Lab.

AU Lab can be downloaded from this link:


After AU Lab is installed, run it and complete the following steps:

  1. Create Document
  2. Edit, Add Audio Unit Instrument
  3. Set MIDI Input Source to None or Any
  4. Set Instrument to DLSMusicDevice
  5. Press OK
  6. Edit, Edit Selected Group, then Edit Thru Params…
  7. While Holding Shift, click on the Channel 16 button (this activates all channels)
  8. Close Thru Params, then press OK
  9. Save your settings so they can be used again

The DLSMusicDevice should now be available for use within Chrome when a MIDI app has been started.

The AU Lab configuration that I used can be found in our forum:

Enabling Web MIDI DLSSynth on Mac OS X